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Placing and Treatment for Natural Stone

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Placing and Treatment for Natural Stone

Download here the installation and treatment schedule for natural stone tiles

The step-by-step plan and advice may differ per space or area of application. Below we give our advice for the most common placement of our mosaic tiles. Also read the important tips at the bottom of the step-by-step plan and contact us if you have any questions.

Type: Marble mosaic tiles are tiles made of natural stone such as marble, whether or not finished by polishing. Production is (partly) manual.
Materials: Natural stone, marble
Characteristics: Marble is a natural product and is extracted in countries such as Italy and Turkey. Large blocks or plates are processed into smaller mosaic shapes, usually glued onto mats.
Variants: There are numerous variants that are often characterized by color and / or shape.
Applicability: Inside, outside, walls, floors.
Extra attention: Our mosaic tiles made from natural stone such as marble are more sensitive than other tile types. Be careful with acids or caustic cleaning agents. The processing of mats works differently than the processing of whole tiles, which is why mosaic tiles must be placed with extra attention and preferably by someone with experience.

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